Halesworth Time Line:
A Walk Through History
1700 – 1800AD
From the early 18th Century until as recently as 1980, malting and brewing are major industries in the town. At one point the town boasted nine maltings. Halesworth Museum has a mummified cat which was discovered near the drying ovens in one of the maltings. It is believed that it was put there as protection against rats and mice.
The first vessel, a wherry laden with coal, arrives at Halesworth quay. This is a big improvement since two men in a wherry can do the work of four heavy wagons bringing the coal from Southwold. It marks the start of a prosperous and busy time for the town quay.

The Angel Hotel is a thriving establishment, holding a position of importance in the town as post house, coaching inn and main meeting rooms for townsfolk. It is here that many meetings are held to raise money and plan the opening up of the river between Halesworth and Southwold.