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The Blythweb Calendar publicises events open to the public which are taking place in the general area of the Blyth Valley in north-east Suffolk and occasionally also in the wider area. These events include those held in support of local and UK charities, organisations, good causes etc., which we are pleased to freely publicise. The Blythweb Calendar also features other events of interest.

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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Michael Bullen Art Exhibition at Snape Maltings DTSTART:20250810T093000Z DTEND:20250809T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250311T121701Z UID:20250810T093000-MichaelBullenArtExhibitionatSnapeMaltings DESCRIPTION:Exhibition dates: 7th-13th August at The Quay Gallery, Snape Quay at Snape Maltings, Snape, Suffolk. On the Alde Estuary, overlooking the river and reedbeds The Quay Gallery is part of the Snape Maltings Art Complex with its internationally renowned concert hall, independent shops, restaurant, cafes and art galleries. Plenty of on-site parking. Michael has a permanent exhibition of his paintings which can be viewed at his Studio overlooking The Market Square in Halesworth. LOCATION:see event text for venue information ORGANIZER;CN=Michael Bullen Artist:MAILTO:michaelbullen@btopenworld.com STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Michael Bullen : Art Exhibition at Snape Maltings

on Sunday, 10th August 2025
Organised by: Michael Bullen Artist
Venue: see event text for venue information
Exhibition dates: 7th-13th August at The Quay Gallery, Snape Quay at Snape Maltings, Snape, Suffolk.
On the Alde Estuary, overlooking the river and reedbeds The Quay Gallery is part of the Snape Maltings Art Complex with its internationally renowned concert hall, independent shops, restaurant, cafes and art galleries. Plenty of on-site parking.
Michael has a permanent exhibition of his paintings which can be viewed at his Studio overlooking The Market Square in Halesworth.
Who to Contact: Email : michaelbullen@btopenworld.com

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Open Afternoon at STEAMWORKS DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250810T130000Z DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250810T160000Z DTSTAMP:20250204T113256Z UID:20250810T130000-17404-OpenAfternoonatSTEAMWORKS DESCRIPTION:Open to visitors this afternoon plus on other selected dates in 2025. Come and see! The cafe, miniature railway and shop will be open, plus guided tours of the site available. (As Steamworks is volunteer-run dates are subject to change). What3Words locaton is: ///puffed.couriers.calms LOCATION:STEAMWORKS, Blyth Road, Southwold IP18 6AZ ORGANIZER;CN=Southwold Railway Trust:MAILTO:mail@southwoldrailway.co.uk STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Open Afternoon at STEAMWORKS

– 16:00 on Sunday, 10th August 2025
Organised by: Southwold Railway Trust
Venue: STEAMWORKS, Blyth Road, Southwold IP18 6AZ link
Open to visitors this afternoon plus on other selected dates in 2025. Come and see! The cafe, miniature railway and shop will be open, plus guided tours of the site available. (As Steamworks is volunteer-run dates are subject to change). What3Words locaton is: ///puffed.couriers.calms
Who to Contact: Phone : 01502 725422. Email : mail@southwoldrailway.co.uk
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Exhibition, at Halesworth Gallery DTSTART:20250810T130000Z DTEND:20250810T150000Z DTSTAMP:20250302T125959Z UID:20250810T130000-ExhibitionatHalesworthGallery DESCRIPTION:Exhibition of works by Aine Corr, Amy Drayson and Lesley Munroe, 2nd-27th August. LOCATION:Halesworth Gallery, Steeple End, Halesworth IP19 8LL ORGANIZER:Halesworth Gallery STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Exhibition, at Halesworth Gallery

– 16:00 on Sunday, 10th August 2025
Organised by: Halesworth Gallery
Venue: Halesworth Gallery, Steeple End, Halesworth IP19 8LL link
Exhibition of works by Aine Corr, Amy Drayson and Lesley Munroe, 2nd-27th August.
Ticket Details: Admission free.
Who to Contact: By phone : 01986 873064

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Merry Wives of Windsor, at Thorington Theatre DTSTART:20250810T170000Z DTEND:20250810T192000Z DTSTAMP:20250121T165027Z UID:20250810T170000-TheMerryWivesofWindsoratThoringtonTheatre DESCRIPTION:By William Shakespeare. Presented by Ilyria. Falstaff is skint. He decides his only option is to seduce the wives of two wealthy merchants. But the women are best friends, and of course they spill their hearts to each other every day... Scandalised not just that Falstaff wrote to them but that he sent them identical love-letters, they vow to play tricks on him when he comes calling. Finally, with the help of their husbands and friends, the merry wives lure him to a haunted forest and teach him a lesson he won't forget! Suitable for all. Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes, including 20 minute interval. LOCATION:Thorington Theatre, off A12 south of Blythburgh IP17 3RB ORGANIZER;CN=Thorington Theatre:MAILTO:info@thoringtontheatre.co.uk STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
The Merry Wives of Windsor, at Thorington Theatre

– 20:20 on Sunday, 10th August 2025
Organised by: Thorington Theatre
Venue: Thorington Theatre, off A12 south of Blythburgh IP17 3RB link
By William Shakespeare. Presented by Ilyria. Falstaff is skint. He decides his only option is to seduce the wives of two wealthy merchants. But the women are best friends, and of course they spill their hearts to each other every day... Scandalised not just that Falstaff wrote to them but that he sent them identical love-letters, they vow to play tricks on him when he comes calling. Finally, with the help of their husbands and friends, the merry wives lure him to a haunted forest and teach him a lesson he won't forget! Suitable for all. Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes, including 20 minute interval.
Ticket Details: General Admission £25/Concession (Students and 65+) £23/Child (12 and Under) £20/Group (Four Adults) £97/Family (Two Adults,Two Children) £82, + fee. See thoringtontheatre.co.uk/events/merry-wives
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk